Oxbow Western Timothy Hay is a premium hay for rabbits and other small pets.
With a wonderful aroma, mix of flat blade and stem and an appealing green colour, few other hays come close in comparison.
Western Timothy hay has a great taste and is low in carbohydrates, high in fibre, low in protein, and low in calcium. It can be freely fed to rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals of any age.
The cut varies between a green, soft leafy mix of thin stem, seed head and green leaf, to a very coarse greeny/yellow cut depending on time of harvest etc.
Weight: 425g and 1.1kg (slect desired weight using the drop down box)
Safety note: It is the responsibility of the pet owner to assess the suitability of any treat, toy, or other product. Please read instructions, and directions of use carefully. Always supervise your rabbit whilst playing or eating. Remove the toy if it is damaged, or worn, or if parts become separated, to avoid injury.